We Graduated!

So I realized I haven’t updated in awhile, but tonight as I sit at home (happily sick and exhausted) I thought I’d jot down a little update!

We had a very big scare on New Years Even in which I bled…a lot.  I was called in for an emergency ultrasound on New Years Day thinking the worst had happened.  At 6 weeks they warned us there wasn’t much to see so we shouldn’t freak out, but they were just going to try and figure out the cause of the bleeding.  And there was our little jellybean! And a heartbeat!!!! We were both ecstatic and relieved.  Apparently the placenta pulled away a little and caused the scare. We went back in for, what was supposed to be, first OB ultrasound and saw a salamander looking blob which we were told was the baby.  Then this week we went back again and saw something that actually resembled a baby and a very strong heartbeat.  So on Monday we officially graduated! We are so so so happy, but it was bittersweet as that was our last appointment at the fertility.
The craziest thing is now we wait until February 10th to see our new OB which seems so far away when you are used to every week monitoring.  I am still supposed to take the progesterone and estrace injections until February 10th as well.

It’s funny all the mixed emotions I am feeling.  I am so happy to be pregnant! But at the same time this first trimester is kicking my butt.  My diet currently consists of watermelon, fruit juice, watermelon, occasional toast or crackers, watermelon and some other fruits here and there.  Food aversions are so bad….turkey, chicken, beef, fish, anything that used to be alive practically.  I feel fortunate to only have gotten sick twice, but the exhaustion is insane.  This little video keeps me going 🙂